Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Has Sprung

Besides making jewelry my other great passion in life is horses.  I own a wonderful quarter-horse gelding named Mac and consider him, and my dogs, to be family.  Oh and my husband, he's family too :D.  Well with winter in retreat riding season is upon us once more and I am totally stoked.  Spring is always an exciting time for this reason but this year is even better. 

See, Mac has had a rough life, he isn't telling but somewhere along the line he was roughed up pretty bad.  Along with physical scars he has some emotional issues that come out when he's being ridden.  So I've been pretty shocked when, after getting on him for the first couple time since the long winter break, and expecting our usual rodeo he has been wonderfully behaved. So this year I think we can actually learn and perfect skills that were beyond us when each ride was just a new incarnation of his old anxieties.  I'm thrilled.

This has had some repercussions on my jewelry making though.  As you can probably tell my blogging has been far less than my goal of three times a week and I haven't been making quite as many pieces as I set out to either.  My balance is off.

I am a huge believer in balance, but not the best practitioner of it. Work, Play, Passions, Chores, I believe I will always be searching for the best way to bring balance into my life.  Personally I tend to heavily indulge in Play and Passions, leaving Work and Chores by the wayside.  There are many reasons for this, and I haven't always been like this but it is who I am at the moment.  Rather than fight my inclinations I have learned to combine my passions with my work, and my play with my chores. This approach to life won't gain me fame or fortune, but it will bring me happiness, which for me is the most important life goal.

However there are times when things need a little adjustment and, while it will bring long-term happiness, in the short term there's going to be some grumbling.  Right now this means getting my jewelry done in spite of my desire to be riding every moment of every day (you may think I exaggerate...not by much).  So I'll be figuring out a plan to get myself into the studio more often as well as attending to the increasing needs of the business aspect.  I'll be back to tell you how it goes!

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